2009/7/28 Shaun McCance <sha...@gnome.org>:
> I've just released gnome-doc-utils 0.17.3, which includes
> a new Mallard mode for xml2po.  This is far from finished,
> but it's a start.  I'll continue hacking on it, but I need
> some input from translators.

This is great news!!! Thanks Shaun!

> If you'd like to start translating a Mallard document, you
> can take a crack at the Mallard specification, which is in
> gnome-doc-utils/doc/mallard.  The Mallard specification is
> written in Mallard and is chock full of examples, so it's
> probably going to have the widest spread of tag usage of
> any document you're going to find right now.  That makes
> it good for serious banging on.

I'll try it later today, maybe on empathy-mallard, since that's what
we really want to get translated.

> If you'd prefer something less technical, you can try the
> empathy-mallard repository on gitorious.  Milo Casagrande
> and Phil Bull have been actively working on a Mallard help
> file for Empathy.
> http://gitorious.org/empathy-mallard
> Maybe it's time to merge this into git.gnome.org so that
> our translators can take a crack at it.

I'll prefer to wait a little bit more, at least until we can say that
xml2po works fine with Mallard (and until we are sure damned lies can
handle Mallard files; can it handle them right now?).


Milo Casagrande <m...@casagrande.name>
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