Александър Шопов wrote:
> These are "appointment" and "meeting".

I am probably partially repeating myself from our private
conversation, but here is my understanding:

  * An "appointment" is an event with undefined (at least in the UI)
    participants, e.g. I can create a new appointment to discuss this
    specific terminology problem with you, or I can create an
    appointment that I must meet with the local GUG on Wednesday
    evening.  An appointment can be recurring, and can take a whole
    day -- for example you can create an appointment that marks a
    whole day as a holiday or something special.

  * A "meeting" is an event with participants and an organizer, much
    like your counter-argument that this smells too much corporate (it
    really does).

    The organizer can change every detail of a meeting (and Evo has a
    mechanism to inform others semi-automatically); participants can
    change only certain details.  The "RSVP" thingy is relevant only
    for meetings, but not for appointments.  IOW, a meeting is a
    special form of appointment where at least 2 persons meet and the
    other can be notified (and confirm/decline) about the event.
    There are "meetings" that are specific to the proprietary backends
    (Exchange, GroupWise) -- this only adds to the confusion as they
    probably have slightly different semantics.

Perhaps it would be a good idea to ask on the Evolution list, although
I have the impression that some Evo developers read gnome-i18n and are
likely to shed some light when they find the time.

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