Le mardi 08 décembre 2009 à 17:40 -0800, Dan Williams a écrit :
> Hi,
> I was wondering how I could get the stable branches of a few
> NetworkManager bits into the translation queue.  The projects and
> branches are:
> network-manager-applet: NETWORKMANAGER_APPLET_0_7
> network-manager-vpnc: NETWORKMANAGER_0_7
> network-manager-openvpn: NETWORKMANAGER_0_7
> network-manager-pptp: NETWORKMANAGER_0_7
> network-manager-openconnect: NETWORKMANAGER_0_7
> there are a few string changes that go into stable branches from time to
> time that would benefit from occasional translations.  The main focus
> should still be on 'master' of all these projects of course.
> Many thanks!
> Dan

Hi Dan,

I've added the stable branches to each module's stat page. Now these
branches are still not linked in any release, but the stats are at least
available on each module's page.
Translators, check it out!

I wonder if we should create a new release set with only stable branches
from modules of the Extra release set... opinions welcome.


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