We need your help!

A new project called accountsdialog is requesting your help.
accountsdialog is a new user administration utility for the GNOME
desktop. There are some nice screenshots here:

There's still quite a big TODO before it's anywhere close to being
finished, but we would like to start using it in the next release of
Fedora (and hopefully other distros will pick it up too). It's
designed to make it easy to manage your PolicyKit groups by assigning
users roles to users like administrator, standard and guest. It'll
also be used to create, modify and remove existing users.

If you would like to translate accountsdialog, and have any questions,
feel free to either ping me on irc (hughsie on GIMPnet) or send me an
email. Please commit translations using gnome GIT just like the other
GNOME modules.

Thanks (and hope to see some of you guys at GUADEC),

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