Le mardi 02 février 2010 à 15:29 +0700, Anousak Souphavanh a écrit :
> Dear Claude et al,
> My name is Anousak Anthony Souphavanh, Lao open source developer and
> localizer. I would like to start Laotian (Lao) translation team for
> I am following the steps at
> http://live.gnome.org/TranslationProject/StartingATeam/
> Name: Anousak Anthony Souphavanh
> E-mail: anou...@gmail.com
> Damned Lie account: laonux
> Bugzilla account: anou...@gmail.com
> Language: Laotian (ພາສາ ລາວ), language code "lo" and country code "LA"
> I have attached gnome-desktop.gnome-2-28.lo.po, a complete Lao
> translation file for you to add and to first commit, and create Lao
> team on l10n.gnome.org.
> We have 6 team members to help and support Lao translation)
> Thanks for your attention and I am looking forward to hearing from
> you,
> Anousak
> Lao Team

Hi Anousak,
The team page is now set up:
I committed your file in the master branch. I don't think it is worth to
work on gnome-2-28 any more.

Feel free to ask on this list for other files to commit. But don't join
files directly, give us links either on bug reports or on l10n.gnome.org
pages where your files have been uploaded.

Happy translating!


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