Hi Paul,

2010/3/24 Paul Cutler <pcut...@gnome.org>:
> If you have any questions about the release notes, please let me know.

I was reading the online version of the release notes, and at section
"Improved User Help" I think there's a mistake (unless the online
version is outdated so this mail is probably useless).
There are listed applications that should have a new Mallard based
help, but of that list, only one really has it.

Right now it says:

Brasero is something that I would like to do for 3.0, and probably
Nautilus will be done for 3.0. Cheese last time I checked didn't have
a Mallard based help in git... Hamser is the one that has it.

I don't know if Tomboy has been pushed though, and gnotravex of the
gnome-games has a new help.


Milo Casagrande <mi...@gnome.org>
gnome-i18n mailing list

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