Op Ma, 2010-04-19 om 18:21 +0200 skryf Daniel Martinez:
> Hi, I'm in a group called softaragones that dedicate to translate
> software to Aragonese language, so we want to create a team to translate
> gnome.
> Here are the details:
> My name: Daniel Martinez Cucalón
> e-mail address: entaltoara...@gmail.com
> bugzilla account: entaltoara...@gmail.com
> English name of the language: Aragonese
> Native name: Aragonés
> iso 639-1 code: an
> As mailing list we're using a google group:
> softarago...@googlegroups.com
> Thanks in advance for all!

Hallo Daniel

I wish you success on your work here. I hope you will enjoy it as much
as I do.

I am not aware of any information on plural forms in your language yet,
and some sites and tools try to have such information in all languages
that we work in.  Are you familiar with the plural settings that some
translation tools work with?  According to a page on Launchpad, it is
the same as Spanish. I would be happy to update this site with
information if you can confirm it:


If not, we can help you define the information. As soon as we have that
we can work on improving the support for your language in translation
tools as quickly as possible.

Keep well

Translate with Virtaal!  http://virtaal.org/

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