Hi all,
I have been advised to write an email to this mailing list to help us
resolve the problems of the Slovak translation team.

Due to reasons listed below our team is unhappy with approach and behaviour
of current coordinator of team. Recently, I have volunteered for new
coordinator by sending email to gnome-sk-list outlining how I would like to
change the way team works [8]. I have also asked members of our team to
express their opinion on whether they would like to change coordinator.
Throughout past three weeks 6 members of our team have voted for myself and
3 members have voted against the change of coordinator (more less all active
members of team have voted and expressed their opinions). Marcel has
discussed this with me in quite a length, however he did not decided to
accept wish of majority of the team and resign.

Therefore I would like to ask you to help us resolve this situation, as
current coordinator does not want to give up his position. Please see our
reasoning below.

(I do acknowledge that most of the references provided here are in Slovak,
however at least members of Czech team should be able to understand them and
verify if necessary).

We observe the declining trend in the amount of Gnome translated to Slovak:

Gnome 2.20 – 70%

Gnome 2.22 – 59%

Gnome 2.24 – 56%

Gnome 2.26 – 52%

Gnome 2.28 – 48%

Gnome 2.30 - 46%
This happens while there is a quite active team and currently there are 25
modules to be committed and most of them are in this state from Feb/Mar.
(I'm convinced that there would even more activity if things would be moving

I see the problem in that the coordinator of the Slovak team, Marcel,
focuses solely on perfection and nothing else. While I understand that
quality is important, the translation procedure should be organized in such
a way that strive for quality is not the factor which decreases the coverage
of the translated Gnome. On his side there is no will for any compromise,
even though majority of the team voted for change on this[1] and would like
to see more translations being committed. He has very little or no wish to
try to get more modules translated, unless they are 100% perfect. He has
recently said that he had not ignored the wish of the majority of the team,
but he had not accepted it, providing only this explanation: "What you wish
for is nice, however wishes might not always come true, even if the majority
wishes it." [2].
In past year he committed 26 modules (some of them more than once), half of
these modules were modules translated by him. Between June 2009 and February
2010 he committed only 2 modules (24.9.2009 damned-lies, 10.11.2009
swfdec-gnome). Two-thirds of commits were done since February 2010, after a
proposal to change the coordinator and after a lot of members asked for a
change in the work flow.
Marcel checks everything after each reviewer and until he checks it whole
(including string which are currently translated) and all of his comments
are addressed he does not commit the module.

He also insists on numerous bureaucratic procedures which are not necessary:


   Every new member must sent a registration email with very strict
   formatting rules, and unless he/she does it, he/she is not accepted to the
   Slovak team. Even if one provides all information required and he/she
   fulfills all the prerequisites, he/she would not be accepted as a team
   member, if the registration email has an extra line, or a line is broken by
   an email client etc. This causes issues with almost every new member trying
   to join the team. Marcel considers this as some kind of test! (The only
   explanation why the email must be in this format was that Marcel wrote a
   script to check whether the registration email is correctly formatted and
   another script to get some statistics on team performance).

   Until recently, Marcel insisted on using only one's full name, as it is
   written in the birth certificate !! After a long discussions [9] at
   gnome-sk-list, he has allowed members to use other forms of one's name (e.g.
   Joe if your full name is John), however one still cannot use his/her
   nickname!! [10] (It was even pointed to in the mailing list that this is
   against a Slovak law which gives the right to use any name or nickname to
   publish one's work).

   Marcel also does not accept translations of modules unless one promises
   to look after the module in the future. There was a case of somebody out of
   the team submitting translation of dia, and Marcel refused to include it
   unless that person would join the team and would look after the module.

   Recently, Marcel proposed a new system to accept and change rules
   governing Slovak Gnome translation team. His first draft of the procedures
   can be found here [3]. It is extremely lengthy and written in obscure
   language and the chance is that nobody will be willing to read it at all.

   He refuses to allow anybody else except for him to commit translations
   without specifying sane reasons. The only given reason was "the time has not
   come yet" and also "there will be transparent rules created when I will get
   more time, which is not now"[4]. No rules were published up till now.

Marcel by himself decides who should translate which module and refuses to
give up modules which he has assigned to himself in the past, even though he
has not worked on them for a long time. Here, [5], [6], are few examples
from recent past where Marcel refused to allow other members of the team to
translate module, but he did not updated them by himself. If one wants to
start translating a module, he/she must first request it by an email and
only when he checks that it is not one of the modules he would like to
translate in the future by himself, he then assigns it to translator.

It should also be noted that the few improvements, which happened in the
past months, happened only after lengthy discussions, a proposal to change
the coordinator and pressure from other members of the team. There already
were problems with that in the past, and he only started replying once there
was discussion about his replacement [7].

Further, I know two former members of the Slovak team who had quit because
of the behavior of the coordinator.

I hope that you will be able to help us to resolve this.

Kind regards

[1] http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-sk-list/2010-March/msg00252.html
[2] http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-sk-list/2010-May/msg00002.html

[3] http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-sk-list/2010-April/msg00096.html
[4] http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-sk-list/2010-March/msg00247.html

[5] http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-sk-list/2010-January/msg00046.html

[6] http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-sk-list/2010-January/msg00073.html
[7] http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-i18n/2007-November/msg00038.html

[8] http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-sk-list/2010-April/msg00081.html

[9] http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-sk-list/2010-February/msg00166.html

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