Hey all.

Silly question: Do "enabled", "disabled", and "not found" need to be
qualified per instance?

More context: Orca speaks and brailles various confirmation messages
when the user changes a setting on the fly or executes certain commands.

User: enables/disables speech temporarily
Orca: "speech {enabled,disabled}

User: enables/disables indentation and justification info temporarily
Orca: "Speaking of indentation and justification {enabled,disabled}

User: Attempts to move to the next heading, but there isn't a next one
Orca: "No more headings found"

User: Attempts to move to the next list, but there isn't a next one
Orca: "No more lists found"

Etc., etc.

Some users like a lot of detail. But for experienced users and/or users
with really small braille displays, some of these strings are
unnecessarily long. Therefore, we're going to start providing optional,
brief messages.

User: enables/disables whatever by giving the command to do so
Orca: "{enabled,disabled}"

User: Attempts to move to the next whatever, but there isn't a next one
Orca: "not found"

Will the translation of "enabled", "disabled", and "not found" vary in
some languages depending on what was enabled, disabled, or not found?

Apologies for being a stereotypical, monolingual American. And thanks in
advance for your help!


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