Le lundi 19 juillet 2010 à 14:17 +0200, Pavol Šimo a écrit :
> Hi,
> I'm ready to take over the Coordinator role after Marcel.
> Big thanks to him for his previous (and next) great work!
> Please update the team information and make other required changes.

Hi Pavol,

The team page has been updated. http://l10n.gnome.org/teams/sk

Thanks for taking this task. We firmly hope that you'll be able to
address the issues mentioned in the mail sent on behalf of the
Coordination Team:

We'd like to see a rocking Slovak version for GNOME 3.0 :-) Not that
previous versions were not good, but we were worried to see percentage
drop from version to version.



> Thank you
> Paľo, http://l10n.gnome.org/users/palos/
> 2010/7/8 Marcel Telka <mar...@telka.sk>:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > It is a time to resign from the Slovak Team Coordinator role.
> >
> > Once the new coordinator is officially established I'll stop acting as
> > the coordinator of the Slovak Translation Team. After that I'll handover
> > all responsibilities of the team coordination to the new coordinator.
> >
> > I suggest Pavol Šimo (palo.s...@gmail.com) to become the new
> > coordinator.
> >
> > Pavol, if you do not wish to accept this nomination, please nominate
> > somebody else, or drive a discussion in our mailing list
> > (gnome-sk-l...@gnome.org) and return back here with name of the new
> > coordinator. Thank you.
> >
> > After the handover, until decided otherwise by new coordinator, I will
> > act as committer for the Slovak team. I'll integrate Slovak translations
> > to git according the rules established by new coordinator.
> >
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > --
> > +-------------------------------------------+
> > | Marcel Telka   e-mail:   mar...@telka.sk  |
> > |                homepage: http://telka.sk/ |
> > |                jabber:   mar...@jabber.sk |
> > +-------------------------------------------+
> >
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