> Well, we don't care much, the master branch is unmaintained and
> hopefully nobody uses it.

I understand this developers perspecitve. But I read your statement
as: "Well, we don't care much *about the quality of the translations*,
the master branch is unmaintained and *if somebody uses it, eeee, why
do we bother translating anyway?*.
I also read: "If translators want some order in the project, they
should get one of those boring paper-sorting jobs".
I also hear: "Anyway, be glad that we let you use it."

Is really so hard to "rename" master to old_master and then "rename"
gcomvcyvycprxsyvcyvcydsfdaso to master?

Ahhhh, really, now that I know that master is actually obsolete, I'll
sync the translations. No problem. This proggy is getting quite a
momentum in local schools and they do not care about branches.
Thank you for the good work!

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