On Wed, 2010-12-15 at 17:53 +0100, Andre Klapper wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, den 15.12.2010, 17:38 +0100 schrieb
> > The problem is I don't know when will certain packages be rewritten.
> Please ask the docs team on the gnome-doc-l...@.
> I agree that this would help for setting translation priorities.

I'm going to list all the application help that's roughly on the
3.0 roadmap on this page:


We'll put priorities on everything. That should give an indication
of what's likely to be done in Mallard. But I can't make anybody
work on anything, so it could end up that some high priority tasks
slip, and some low priority tasks get done.

Also, I hope to get Blip somewhere other than Paul's VPS soon. Then
you'll be able to look at pages like this:


Anything with a higher status (sort by status descending) is less
likely to change a lot.


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