Le vendredi 21 janvier 2011 à 20:58 +0200, Ihar Hrachyshka a écrit :
> Is gconf left for GNOME 3.0? I thought it was going to be replaced by
> other mechanism...

gconf, metacity, gnome-panel and notification-daemon are used for the
so-called fallback mode (when your hardware doesn't support 3D

gconf replacement is dconf, which currently doesn't offer translatable


> On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 20:48, Claude Paroz <cla...@2xlibre.net> wrote:
> > Le dimanche 16 janvier 2011 à 21:49 +0100, Claude Paroz a écrit :
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> In the next days, I will try to begin moving some modules in and out the
> >> GNOME release set to better match the real modules used by GNOME 3,
> >> based on JHBuild gnome-3.0 modulesets.
> >> http://git.gnome.org/browse/jhbuild/tree/modulesets
> >>
> >> So don't be too suprised to see your stats getting up and down.
> >> I will then try to explain what I did and we can debate other changes as
> >> well.
> >
> > Here are the changes I made, essentially based on JHBuild modulesets:
> >
> > Removed: pessulus, sabayon, accerciser, gnome-vfs, libbonobo,
> > libbonoboui, libgnome, libgnomecanavas, libgnomeui
> > bug-buddy, dasher, evolution-exchange, evolution-mapi, evolution-webcal,
> > gnome-applets, gnome-color-manager, gnome-mag, gnome-media,
> > gnome-netstatus, gnome-system-tools, gtk-engines, libgnomeprint,
> > libgnomeprintui, mousetweaks, sound-juicer, swfdec-gnome
> >
> > at-spi has been replaced by at-spi2-core and at-spi-atk
> >
> > Added: network-manager-{applet|pptp|openvpn|vpnc|openconnect},
> > notification-daemon (for fallback mode), libgdata, glib-networking,
> > gnome-video-effects
> >
> > Claude
> > --
> > www.2xlibre.net
> >
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