Hi all,

As some of you know, the documentation team made your lives
very difficult for 3.0. We completely redid the entire help,
and we worked it right to the last minute. A few of you tried
valiantly to keep up.

I wish we could have done better to get the help finished and
translatable earlier. But with huge UI changes coming in after
the code freeze break, the documentation team was scrambling
as much as the translators.

We're not done. We still have a lot we didn't complete, and
some stuff that just isn't up the quality standards we'd
like. The bright side is that I think we've laid a really
solid foundation for future 3.x releases, and it's possible
we'll be able to have a documentation freeze on at least
some of our documents in 3.2.

For now, though, we have a lot of work left to do. So I'm
going to be making weekly 3.0.x releases of gnome-user-docs.
I'll make them every Sunday, around early evening UTC. I'm
letting you all know in case you want to make a mad dash to
get help translations in.


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