On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 9:19 PM, Arash Mousavi <mousavi.ar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> I really like to use a translation programs that uses native GNOME 
> technologies like gtranslator instead of poedit that uses wxgtk. Today I
> saw Nacho's blog post[1] that says gtranslator git version is ported to GTK 
> 3.0, so I got and tested it.
> It seems that the Ā gtranslator wraps original strings in PO files. Besides 
> that, it makes the files a little bigger, is that a problem?
> Arash M
> [1]
> http://blogs.gnome.org/nacho/2010/11/15/gtranslator-meets-gtk-3-and-beer-meeting-in-prague

The wrapping is fine. For example:

msgstr "This is a long string in my language"

msgstr ""
"This is a long string in my language"

msgstr "This is a long string"
" in my language"

are all the same.
If there are any other changes, do give samples.
You mention that the files get a bit bigger. If it is just the
additional "", then it's OK.

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