
On Sat, 2011-07-30 at 08:33 +1000, Michael . wrote:
> Hi Philip
> I know what the script is supposed to do but I can't get it to do
> anything, that is why I tried contacting Bastien to see if he could
> give me some guidance on it. I'm happy to help update the script
> if/when I find anything but I need it to work for me before I can go
> any further with it. The script would be my preferred method but if it
> wont work for me I'll resort to copying over if need be.
> If you, or anyone else from en-GB, feels like giving me a step by step
> on using the script I (and all other Aussies who will get Gnome in
> Australian English) will be eternally thankful :-))

Assume the PO file you want to translate is called “input.po”. It can be
empty (i.e. freshly generated by `intltool-update -p`) or can contain
existing translations. They won't be overwritten by the script.

Run `en_GB.pl input.po > output.po`.

The script will ask you about any ambiguous words (such as the en_US
“check”, which can of course be translated to “cheque” or can stay
unchanged). The correctly-formed output will be in output.po. You can
then check through this manually, and perhaps diff it against input.po
as a sanity check.

The script can also be run in a “checking” mode: `en_GB.pl --check
input.po > differences`.

This will automatically translate input.po as above, but will discard
all the output. Instead, it will output a message to the differences
file if the automatic translation of a message doesn't match the manual
translation. This can be used both to find problems in manual
translations, missing automatic translation rules and to find
corrections to the original messages which have been made in manual
translations but not upstreamed.

Hope this makes things clearer,

> Cheers.
> Michael.
> P.S. I've also just got a new laptop which I haven't tried in on yet
> because I have just finished removing Windows 7 and installing Debian
> Sid/Experimental so the issue may have been my old laptop was just to
> old and tired to do anything strenuous.
> On 30 July 2011 05:53, Philip Withnall <phi...@tecnocode.co.uk> wrote:
>         Hey,
>         I think Mario's covered the copying side of things. The
>         en_GB.pl
>         translation script[1] is meant to cover all dialects of
>         English, so if
>         there are any incorrect or missing en_AU variants of the words
>         covered
>         there, please submit a patch[2] for the script, or let me know
>         and I'll
>         update it.
>         Using the script should make translating large numbers of
>         strings quite
>         easy, though you do have to check them afterwards.
>         Philip
>         [1]:
>         http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-i18n/tree/en_GB/en_GB.pl
>         [2]:
> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=l10n&component=British%
>         20English%20[en_GB]

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