On Sun, 2011-08-21 at 14:29 +0200, Jorge González wrote:
> Hi Aaron,
> On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 00:55, Aaron Borden <adbor...@live.com> wrote:
> > Hello gnome-i18n and gnome-doc-list,
> >
> > As per bug 627034, we changed the string in the Delete Note confirmation
> > dialog to mention the note title as well as add the note count for
> > deleting multiple notes:
> > "Really delete this note?" --> "Really delete \"{0}\"?" and "Really
> > delete {0} notes?"
> >
> > As per bug 654865, we fixed the string concatenation issue:
> > "Create destination folder for " +  export_type_name + "
> > Export" --> "Create destination folder for {0} Export"
> Thanks, but I still don't know what is the variable, can you add a
> comment in the code with an example?

The variable is the export format, e.g. "HTML"


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