Op Vr, 2011-09-09 om 21:53 +0200 skryf Ernest Mashele:
> Name: Ernest Mashele
> Email: mashern at tuks dot co dot za
> Bugzilla: mashern at tuks dot co dot za

Hi Ernest, good to see you joining the mailing list.

> English name: Tsonga
> Native name: Xitsonga
> ISO 639 code: tso

I agree with what Claude said - the code we have used until now for
Tsonga is 'ts'.

> Maillist: translate-tso-gnome at lists dot sourceforge dot net 

As far as I know, this mailing list does not exist. I assume you mean
translate-discuss-ts at lists.sourceforge.net? It is a list created by
Translate.org.za to coordinate Tsonga software issues, but it hasn't
really seen any activity yet. I hope you can change that!


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