On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 11:11:11AM +0200, Rūdolfs Mazurs wrote:
> T , 2012-03-14 09:20 +0100, Olav Vitters rakstīja:
> > On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 12:59:03AM +0200, Rūdolfs Mazurs wrote:
> > > I have noticed that advanced translation bug tracking is too difficult
> > > to bother with in day to day use (at least for me) and I intend to
> > > simplify this process by making simplified and specialized bug tracker
> > > for translators. I was wondering, if other translators are having
> > > similar issues and if my work would be of use for community.
> > 
> > I suggest just extending the existing infrastructure. E.g. by writing a
> > Bugzilla extension or enhancing Damned Lies (l10n.gnome.org). Within
> > GNOME we already have damned-lies and Bugzilla. Yet another tracker (and
> > thus account) isn't going to ease things.
> > 
> Extending existing software or even better – finding an existing tracker
> that meets the requirements – is preferable. There are two issues I can
> foresee:

What I am saying is that within GNOME we already use Bugzilla and Damned
Lies. If those are lacking, then improve that. I don't see the value of
adding yet another site and expecting me (GNOME sysadmin) to host that.

The things you see as issues, I don't see how it relates to above.

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