On Sat, Apr 21, 2012 at 1:40 PM, Shaun McCance <sha...@gnome.org> wrote:
> On Thu, 2012-04-19 at 13:34 +0200, Chusslove Illich wrote:
>> > 4) Due to workflow, we don't have a baseline commit to reference.
>> > [...]
>> > (4) is a serious problem. git is really smart, and has a number of merge
>> > strategies that I can only describe as "magic". But they don't work if you
>> > bypass version control.
>> For this I have no practical idea how to solve. Other than locking workflow
>> being the norm, translators are frequently pointed to web-based solutions
>> instead of version control (so that they don't get scared off by the
>> process). Then, it is not unusual for regular translators not to have commit
>> access, which would extremely odd for regular programmers (or documenters,
>> right?).
> The beauty of git is that everybody can commit, even if they can't
> push their changes to git.gnome.org. We start docs people off using
> git very early. We have them commit their changes as normal and send
> git patches to somebody with an account on gnome.org.
> I know learning version control first is a hurdle (and git especially
> so), but I also think it's a valuable skill that will save you time
> and again going forward. And with distributed version control, we're
> no longer tied to who has an account where to get those benefits.

I would suggest that going to Pootle is a good step short of moving to
a git workflow and far more friendly to locaiizers.

I run a substantial Pootle instance, not quite as Gnome, perhaps, but
still hosting tens of thousands of words and strings on over 100


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