W dniu 27 kwietnia 2012 17:27 użytkownik David Zeuthen
<zeut...@gmail.com> napisał:
> The Disks application (pre-3.4 is was called Palimpsest / Disk
> Utility) and parts of GVfs relies on a some translated strings from
> the udisks project. Since udisks is hosted on freedesktop.org (which
> lacks the good i18n infrastructure of GNOME), I've been using
> Transifex, see
>  https://www.transifex.net/projects/p/udisks/
> However since I added it in January, no translations has been added
> ... in stark contrast to GNOME i18n where translations are added all
> the time...

It would help if you could outsource translation teams to
freedesktop.org project in Transifex, instead of using your own, only
for udisks.


Also, afair it wasn't announced here, which might explain lack of translations.

Piotr Drąg
gnome-i18n mailing list

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