Hi Shaun,

On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 4:15 PM, Shaun McCance <sha...@gnome.org> wrote:
> On Wed, 2012-09-12 at 15:15 -0400, Cosimo Cecchi wrote:
>> Hi again,
>> I would like to ask a string freeze break request for two strings in 
>> Nautilus:
>> - https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=680983 - this is about
>> changing the "Send To..." string of the nautilus-sendto extension to
>> "Email...". nautilus-sendto used to offer a set of options other than
>> email, which are currently not really working correctly. In the bug
>> there's a patch to change the extension to open the email client
>> directly instead, and this should be mirrored in the string displayed
>> in the UI.
> Surely gutting nautilus-sendto should get a bit more exposure
> and discussion than just jamming it in after the freeze. Has
> anybody looked at what other modules use nautilus-sendto to
> share stuff?

[CC-ing Bastien]

I'm sorry, I should have probably explained this a little better.
Nobody is trying to gut nautilus-sendto, the goal is to have something
working nicely for the use case of sending a file to somebody. As far
as I can see, the Email option is really the only interesting one
working correctly for nautilus-sendto at the moment, and that's where
the patch came from.

Note that nautilus-sendto has two parts: the module itself and a
Nautilus extension that adds the item to the context menus. Only the
extension lives in the nautilus source tree right now; I cannot really
answer the question about whether it's used by other modules, probably
Bastien would know. Of course, the nautilus change doesn't make any
sense without the corresponding change that removes the dialog in
nautilus-sendto, so probably Bastien should send an UI freeze request
for that first?

I should also note that this is not a high priority bug for me, and
it's also completely fine if we decide it's better to punt such a
change to the next cycle.

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