> Dear Chingis,
> i could not contact your old email address. i sent you my comments about
> your translations.
> be patient please.
> Best
> Timur Zhamakeev.
> 2012/9/21 Gil Forcada <gforc...@gnome.org>
>> El dv 21 de 09 de 2012 a les 00:02 -0400, en/na translato...@lavabit.com
>> va escriure:
>> > Hi
>> > Why kyrgyz coordinator don't uploading my files? It's so sad to wait
>> for
>> > him. :(((( I've been waiting 2 months.
>> >
>> Hi,
>> No need to desperate or be sad! Keep translating and attaching
>> translations to l10n.gnome.org, if in a week Timur has not replied, we
>> will make you the new coordinator for Kyrgyz and then you will be able
>> to ask on this mailing list to upload your translations.
>> Remember to send the mail in a week, just replying to this one, so that
>> we acknowledge that Timur is not responsive and that we can appoint you
>> as the new coordinator.
>> Happy translating!
>> --
>> Gil Forcada
>> [ca] guifi.net - una xarxa lliure que no para de créixer
>> [en] guifi.net - a non-stopping free network
>> bloc: http://gil.badall.net
>> planet: http://planet.guifi.net

Hi Timur

I do not want to be patient, I just want to translate and upload my
translations as quickly as I can.
100% for Kyrgyz, this is my goal.

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