El dc 03 de 10 de 2012 a les 12:19 +0200, en/na Bruno Brouard va
> Le 03/10/2012 10:44, Chris Leonard a écrit :
> > So what happens when a team has a coordinator, but not a committer (like 
> > Khmer)?
> >
> > The Coordinator has marked a number of PO files for commit in vertimus,
> >
> > http://l10n.gnome.org/languages/km/all/ui/
> >
> > If a team does not have a committer, will someone else commit those on
> > the Coordinator's request or does each team require a committer?
> Just ask on this list for help for the commit and someone will do the job.
> But please, join links to the modules marked as "ready for commit"

+1 That's what I think about it:
- Coordinator is the one that approves translations to be pushed to git
- Only coordinator and any committer are the ones that should be able to
push to git
- In case of no coordinator git access and no committer, the
coordinator, and only him/herself should be the one sending batch mails
with translations ready to push

I put emphasis on this last one because if a random translator for a
random language send translations to push, I don't know the status of
that translation, if is good enough, if has bad wordings, etc etc.
That's why we have coordinators.

And that's the main reason that I think of a coordinator not as a
"emeritus" status but as someone that is there 90% of the time. If you
are not able to coordinate your translation community and be sure that
translations, when ready, are pushed to git, that coordinator should
start looking for a replacement.

At the end of the day, a translation not pushed is time wasted because
users will not see it. A coordinator has to make sure that everything
goes as smoothly as possible ;)


> Bruno
> > Thanks for helping me learn more about how things work in the vertimus 
> > workfow.
> >
> > cjl

Gil Forcada

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