Gnome i18n folks,

There is something I don't really understand about the preferred
workflow for modules listed in Damned Lies that are actually hosted on
external platforms.

Let me cite just one module as an example.

The accountsservice module is listed in Damned Lies

it is in the " (non-GNOME)" Release Set

It is clearly annotated (and linked) that it's L10n is hosted on an
external platform, in this case it is hosted at Transifex.

Scenario A:

The project has matching languages present on DL and Transifex (e.g. en_GB).

Obviously, the "right" thing to do is to upstream the PO file to Transifex.

However, what is the "right" thing to do in DL?

Should the PO file be committed to DL?  This would at least update the
statistics and prevent duplicate effort, but how would conflicts
between DL and Transifex L10n be handled and resolved?

If the right thing is to *not* commit in DL, when and how do the
upstreamed PO files get loaded from Transifex to DL to mark the module
as completed (avoiding duplicate work) and to update the stats in DL?

Scenario B:

A language exists in DL, but not in the Transifex upstream, e.g.
Burmese (Myanmar).

Obviously it would be desirable, but is it absolutely necessary to
create a corresponding language project upstream in Transifex?  Would
a DL-committed PO result in the L10n being used or would it be ignored
because no corresponding upstream PO exists?

Thanks to anyone who can help clarify these questions for me.

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