El dt 23 de 10 de 2012 a les 22:23 +0200, en/na Gabor Kelemen va
> So. It took a little more time than I expected, but the result is this:
> Meet you on the first Sundays of the months at 20:00 UTC (note: not 
> CE(S)T :P).
> Next is going to be on the 4th November.
> Anyone up to create a wiki page / some publicity?

Page created and links updated on the wiki (note that everyone can do
that ;)

Please add topics to discuss, if not we will get bored!!

Thanks for organizing it this time and keeping everything on track!


> Regards
> Gabor Kelemen

Gil Forcada

[ca] guifi.net - una xarxa lliure que no para de créixer
[en] guifi.net - a non-stopping free network
bloc: http://gil.badall.net
planet: http://planet.guifi.net

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