
Good points, I added it as a item for the next meeting[1].

My take on it would be to ask the maintainers of the tools that generate
the po files on how they could provide that info automatically and then
once that is known, use one app (say Epiphany, gedit...) and make it
output all msgctxt information possible. Once we are happy with these
testbed applications, move to all of them.

Does it look reasonable?


[1] https://live.gnome.org/TranslationProject/Events/IRCMeeting20121104

El dv 26 de 10 de 2012 a les 12:47 +0300, en/na Ihar Hrachyshka va
> Hi all,
> I fully agree with Peter. In my language, the form of the translated
> message hugely depends on whether it's a window title or a button text.
> More than that, sometimes the same message is used in such different
> contexts, then we get them merged into the single translation unit,
> which makes impossible to translate both forms correctly. Then we are
> forced to either leave it with a bit of inconsistency or walk through
> boring process of bug creation for each such unit merging occurrence.
> Not sure about command line arguments for they are generally put in the
> code itself, but for gschemas and UI files, the approach to add such
> context for translators should be rather straightforward.
> /Ihar
> On 10/26/2012 12:37 PM, Peter Mraz wrote:
> > files in with ui.h have clear syntax. For translator woul be helpful if
> > name of widget and his property appear in .po files as comment or msgctx
> > 
> > for example
> > 
> > msgctxt gtkdialog>gtkbox>gtkbutton tooltip
> > 
> > for menus it would be helpfull if full path appear in .po files
> > (traslators need know which accelerator shold choose)
> > 
> > for example
> > 
> > msgctxt >files>new>
> > 
> > for gsetting it would be helpvull add
> > 
> > msgctx gsettings summary
> > msgctx gsettings description
> > 
> > It usefull know also
> > 
> > if string is description of command line
> > if string is notification summary or body
> > if string is log message
> > and so on
> > 
> > Please cratetools that this information ad to .po files.

Gil Forcada

[ca] guifi.net - una xarxa lliure que no para de créixer
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