2012/11/12 Florian Müllner <fmuell...@gnome.org>:
> As fallback mode will now be officially dropped, we are going to remove the
> last dependency on Metacity in Mutter[0]. This consists basically in copying
> a couple of XML files, which contain translatable strings - as we already
> have existing translations for quite a lot of locales in Metacity, I'm
> planning on importing these into Mutter, in order to save you some
> unnecessary work.
> That is, unless you have any objections and prefer to do it yourselves of
> course.
> Comments?

While I'm ok with adding translations from Metacity (they are reviewed
and correct anyway for Polish language), but I can see how some might
not want it. Maybe you could indeed add fuzzy tags, as Luca suggested?

Piotr Drąg
gnome-i18n mailing list

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