On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 5:20 AM, David King <amigad...@amigadave.com> wrote:

> I applied some minor string fixes in my preparation for the move and for a
> new release, and while taking a cursory look over the source strings, there
> are many that could do with further improvement. Is there a good way to do
> this to minimise time spent by translators?

1) Given that you span Windows and Linux installs, it may be
unavoidable to maintain a list of language names (and character sets)
internally, but it would be very helpful of you would conform those
strings to their specific appearance in the relevant ISO code set PO
files to enhance utility of translation memory tools.

e.g.  use language names as they appear in




rather than your own constructions like

msgid "(Hungarian translation)"

I would also like to suggest that checking how other projects phrase
certain common strings by doing an English>English look-up in
http://www.open-tran.eu/ and using the most common form is also
something that localizers would appreciate.

Including multiple small variations (Capitalization, punctuation,
etc.) of the same basic string solely for some arbitrary sense of
aesthetics should be avoided


msgid "Album Artist:"
msgid "Album Artist"

Just my two cents.

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