El ds 31 de 08 de 2013 a les 03:12 -0600, en/na Sean Burke va escriure:
> Hello,


>     I've spoken with Ignacio Casal Quinteiro and we've agreed that I
> will take over maintainership of gtranslator. This summer, a student
> is working on a GSoC project to write an alternative to gtranslator,
> but while it's in the early stages, I'm hoping to breathe new life
> into gtranslator and make it a truly useful translation tool.

Well, is useful to me right now, but improvements are always welcome!

(.. cut to save some bits...) 
>     I would like to hear from you about my above proposals and also
> about any other major issues you would like to see addressed.

Well, as you ask:

Please don't get me wrong, we are talking about Free Software projects,
so you are completely free to do whatever you want with the code and
your time, and by no means I want to change you decision, just to get an
idea of the reason...

If there's a GSoC already making a better Gtranslator, why oh why,
should you continue to work on the old one? Why not try to help the GSoC
student? He's going to work on a plugin system, why not help him
architect it so that all the changes you think are needed on the old
Gtranslator are already on the new one?

Cheers and happy coding in either Gtranslator version you happen to
choose to hack on!

> Seán de Búrca
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