
as many of you might be aware of the damned-lies service 
(l10n.gnome.org) is currently capable of submitting translations 
directly to git.gnome.org from its web interface. [1] (the ability is 
given to the 'Committer' group members of a specific language team)

I would like to thank Claude for his hard work on this and also point 
out how great this new feature is: submitting translations has never 
been easier, no more Git knowledge is needed, no need for an additional
account on GNOME's LDAP, translating GNOME is now a straightforward 
action even for newcomers.

Given having a Git account is no longer a requisite for becoming a 
translator, the GNOME Accounts Team will not accept translator account 
requests anymore from today.

The form [2] has been updated to reflect this and I'll be also 
adjusting the relevant wiki page removing the references to translator accounts.

That said, we won't touch any existing account that was created before 
today, the only limitation these accounts will get is the global 
rule we'll be launching the next week. (another announce will follow 
for this, keep an eye on the infrastructure-announce list)

As a side note, if you are currently owning a GNOME git account and 
you don't plan to use it anymore for submitting translations please
get in touch with the GNOME Accounts Team at <accounts AT gnome DOT org> for 
having it disabled. This way you will be helping the GNOME Sysadmin 
Team increasing server's security :-)

Thanks a lot for your attention and have an awesome weekend!

[1] https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-i18n/2014-February/msg00000.html
[2] https://mango.gnome.org/new_account.php




Debian Developer,
Fedora / EPEL packager,
GNOME Sysadmin Team Coordinator,
GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman

Homepage: http://www.gnome.org/~av

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