Hi Marcos,

TL;DR; go for it!

Anything that eases the translators workflow is always welcome!

As for suggestions/criticism:
- don't try to fill the complete gap but instead go step by step[1]
- fix problems at the right level, i.e. make GNOMECAT be able to push
translations maybe is a bit too much, and Damned-Lies is already able to
push them, so instead of having to do some git magic, just upload the
file to Damned-Lies and order it to push the translation
- make it as easier as possible to test it while you develop: i.e. your
target audience is translators so the easier you make them to install
and try your application, the faster you will get feedback and users
will be more happier :)
- I could go here and ask for ponies, but first get the basic workflow
right and later we can improve it and add more on top of it
- as a personal nitpick: change the name please, as the Catalan
translation coordinator, whenever I see GNOMECAT I read "GNOME
Catalan" :D

It's so great to have you again as a GSOC!!


[1] So make small milestones that in themselves are already useful so
that if you do not reach the final goal, all the way leading to it is
still useful. Something like:
- allow to enter Damned-Lies credentials
- be able to pick a module to translate
- be able to submit to Damned-Lies a translation

El ds 03 de 05 de 2014 a les 20:25 +0200, en/na Marcos Chavarría
Teijeiro va escriure:
> Hi all,
> I'm Marcos Chavarría, the creator of GNOMECAT [1][2]. This application
> has been created during last summer as part of GSoC program and It
> should be finished this summer (I've got selected again :D).
> I know that what I'm going to tell you here is some kind of castles in
> the sky because the basic features of the app are not finished yet but
> I pretend to present this idea as a project to apply as collaborating
> student at Igalia [3].
> I realize that the workflow for translator in GNOME is kind of
> tedious. You have to go to the Damned Lies platform view what modules
> are assigned to you, download the po file, use an external program to
> translate it and then the file has to be uploaded using the Damned
> Lies platform again. If you are reviewer or a committer it's even more
> tiresome because you also have to deal with git (in fact Fran Dieguez
> who is the Galician team coordinator has created some tools to make
> this easier [4]).
> My idea consists on integrate Damned Lies with GNOMECAT. So you will
> be able to download your assigned modules directly from the program,
> upload the files without opening damned lies website and even commit
> the translations to the module repository easier.
> I would like to ask both translators and Damned Lies developers that
> are subscribed to this list, their opinion about this idea. Any idea,
> critic or question is really welcome.
> Best Regards,
> Marcos Chavarría Teijeiro.
> [1] https://github.com/chavaone/gnomecat
> [2] http://aquelando.info/categoria/informatica/gsoc/
> [3] 
> http://www.igalia.com/nc/igalia-247/news/item/opportunities-for-students-at-igalia+/
> [4] https://github.com/frandieguez/gnome-l10n-tools

Gil Forcada

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