On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 12:09 PM, Ask Hjorth Larsen <asklar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Kenneth, our previous coordinator, has argued very convincingly that
> working over the mailing list is more efficient than using damned
> lies.  Amongst other things this is because we always proofread a
> specially generated podiff.

How is this different from the diff offered by Damned lies?

> It also seems to me that the damned lies
> workflow involves the reviewer correcting the po-file.

It's a possibility but not mandatory. The reviewer can also simply use
the "Write a comment" action to suggest improvements, or even "Rework
needed" if the translation is too far from being ready. Once the
translation is ready, the reviewer can simply mark the file as "Ready
for submission", without having to upload a new version first.

By the way, in case you haven't seen it yet, the workflow is explained
by https://l10n.gnome.org/static/img/workflow-translation.png which is
available next to the action combo box.

> In our group
> the reviewer writes comments in the podiff to the translator who then
> learns something and edits the po-file.  A minor issue perhaps, but
> it's not so smooth with damned lies, and there are a few other reasons
> as well.

See above how you can do just that.

> So I would be quite interested in a git account.  Could this be arranged 
> please?


Alexandre Franke
gnome-i18n mailing list

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