Hi Nazariy,

.MO files under LC_MESSAGES are only valid for GUI, not for help. When you
translate gedit's help, you put the po file in the help/uk/uk.po, but you
don't need to generate the .mo file. When compiling the module, the .page
files containing the strings are translated and placed under help/uk/
folder, and then you can read them in your language.

To view help files in your language, you could compile the entire module or
just the help files, to get the translated version of them. I'm not sure
about how to only build the help files, but maybe someone in the list could
help you with it.

Best regards

2014-09-24 8:50 GMT+02:00 Nazariy <nazariy.rit...@gmail.com>:

>  Hi all!
>     I am sorry for disturbing you. I hope maybe you will help me. I'm
> currently translating *gedit* documentation into Ukrainian. I downloaded
> the *.po* file "*gedit-help.gnome-3-**10**.uk.po*", translated it and
> saved it. After I got *.mo* file, I put it into “
> */usr/share/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES*”, but that didn't help. The help guide
> remained in English. Changing the name of the file to "*gedit-help.mo*"
> didn't help too. What have I done wrong?
>     P.S.: My *gedit* version is *3.**10**.4*; my *Gnome* version is *3.*
> *9**.90*; my OS is *Ubuntu* *14.04*.
>     Thank you all for any help!
> --
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