2014-11-14 17:24 GMT+01:00 Hannie Dumoleyn <lafeber-dumole...@zonnet.nl>:
> Hello,
> I am trying to commit Dutch translations of Gimp and friends, see [1], but I
> cannot find where to send them to. I cannot find them on [2]. I can clone
> gimp with the command git clone ssh://myn...@git.gnome.org/git/gimp, but git
> clone ssh://myn...@git.gnome.org/git/gimp-libgimp gives me an error [3].
> Can anyone tell me where to find the repository of Gimp and friends?
> Hannie

Hi Hannie,

Most of the GIMP translation files reside in one repository ("gimp")
under different directories: po, po-libgimp, po-plug-ins, po-python,
po-script-fu, po-tags, po-tips. Only gegl, gimp-gap and gimp-tiny-fu
have separate git repositories (but they are lower priority anyway).

Hope that helps,

Piotr Drąg
gnome-i18n mailing list

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