2015-01-14 16:34 GMT+01:00 Sveinn í Felli <s...@fellsnet.is>:
> Þann mið 14.jan 2015 15:25, skrifaði Piotr Drąg:
>> I noticed you've committed updated translations to stable gnome-3-14
>> branches on several modules. That's great, but you should also
>> remember to commit to master, currently at
>> <https://l10n.gnome.org/languages/is/gnome-3-16/ui/>, so that all
>> future releases will have the lastest translations as well. I think I
>> cherry-picked and pushed to master all the translations that you did
>> so far, but please keep that in mind from now on.
> Yes, it was intentional to submit to gnome-3-14 first, was testing the
> resulting MO files on my system (which is more or less gnome-3-14 based).
> Maybe I'll try to setup a summit workflow for GNOME on my machine.
> Thanks a lot for the upward pushing.

I'm sorry I went ahead with committing without asking first! I thought
it was a simple mistake, and not done intentional (there were cases
like this in the past.) I'll make sure to ask next time. It is a good
rule of thumb to commit to both master and stable branches at the same
time though - no translations will get lost, and you can always commit
fixes later. :)

Best regards,

Piotr Drąg
gnome-i18n mailing list

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