On Thu, 2015-05-14 at 20:34 +0200, Jordi Mas wrote:
> El 17/11/2014 a les 23:38, Gil Forcada ha escrit:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > currently on l10n.gnome.org if you want an overview of how much
> > translations you have made on GIMP you can only see the stable (2.8
> > right now) version of it, but not the master branches.
> >
> > Would it be ok to also add the master branches to it, so you don't have
> > to go through all GIMP translation units to see how much are you missing
> > for the next release?
> >
> > Cheers,
> +Mitch
> I created a bug to track this:
> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=746380
> In which Claude commented:
> "Claude Paroz 2015-05-14 07:58:04 UTC
> I think that this was done on purpose, and that GIMP maintainers didn't 
> want translators wasting time on translating unstable stuff.
> But this should rather be discussed on the gnome-i18n mailing list, with 
> the GIMP maintainer in copy (mitch at gimp dot org ).
> And sorry for not answering sooner!"
>  From the Catalan GIMP localization team, we will find useful to have 
> statistics for GIMP master branch. This will allow us to prepare better 
> when new versions are released. This is also will be consistent with the 
> policy followed for other sets[1] when you have stable you also have master.

Hi all,

by all means go ahead and add the GIMP master stats. That "policy" to
not have master stats is from a time when we were redoing the entire
UI, and things changed massively. These days, most strings don't change
(of course we make no guarantee about strings in master, but most of
them are unchanged for years).

Just treat GIMP as all other projects, no special handling needed any
longer, except our 5 translation domains ;)


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