2016-08-22 22:14 GMT+02:00 Uwe Scholz <u.schol...@gmx.de>:
> Hi Translation Teams,
> Gnome Commander 1.6.0 is planned to be released on September 26th. For
> your convenience, no strings will be changed up to this date. (*)
> Some changes and updates were made in the documentation. The Gnome
> Commander application itself contains lot of new translatable strings.
> All translations completed prior to September 26th will be included in
> this release. Your translation efforts are very much appreciated.
> Thanks to all contributers!
> Sincerely,
> Uwe Scholz
> (Maintainer of GNOME-Commander)
Thanks for the info! For the convenience, here's the current translation state:

> (*) On this date we will create a new "gcmd-1-6" branch. Branches with
> lower version numbers are then obsolete for new translations.

OK, once you've created that branch, we will update the Damned Lies pages.

Best Regards,
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