4.05.2017 08:26 Andika Triwidada <and...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Is it worth to continue translating old releases (currently 3.22 and
> 3.20) which are around 98% complete to become 100%? Is there any
> user/distro/etc which will get those late updates if we do continue
> translating?

This depends on individual applications and, of course, distros rather
than GNOME as whole.

GNOME 3.22 and its apps are in Fedora 25 which is the current latest
release and will be supported until the end of this year. 3.20 is in
Fedora 24 which is also still supported but will not be supported after
about the end of July.

Taking into account that there are also more conservative distros,
like, for example, RHEL and CentOS, and that the distros are able
to cherry-pick individual changes even if GNOME does not provide
an official release I'm tempted to say yes, especially for 3.22.
But I was recently told not to encourage people to do the useless
work so use also your own reason.


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