Greetings Release Team,

It is with grief that I hereby come to communicate about a decision about
delaying the stable release of GNOME To Do and, possibly, GNOME Calendar



GNOME To Do received many improvements during this cycle, but a big rework
on the backend is not in a good shape yet. I consider this a blocker for
the release, for it provides a really bad experience for the users,
including data loss. It is not acceptable to release a stable release in
the current state.

GNOME Calendar, on the other hand, is in a much better state right now, but
a few annoying bugs need to be fixed. These bugs are not blockers, but they
significantly impact the end user experience. It is acceptable, but not
ideal, to release it in the current state.

*Freeze Breaks*

GNOME To Do will respect the UI freeze, but new translatable strings will
be added. New APIs will be added for plugins, but this will have low impact
since there are no out-of-tree plugins I'm aware of.

GNOME Calendar will respect the UI Freeze, the String Freeze and the API
Freeze, but not the Hard Code freeze.

*Expected Delay*

GNOME To Do: 2 weeks at least, 4 weeks at most.

GNOME Calendar: 2 weeks at most.


I'm sorry if this causes any trouble, and I hope you understand the
decision to delay these releases. Please let me know if you have any
questions or comments.

With respect,
gnome-i18n mailing list

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