This is an automatic notification from status generation scripts on:

There have been following string additions to module 'gnome-software.master':

+ "A snap is a universal Linux package"
    + "Firmware Upgrade Support"
    + "Flatpak Support"
    + "Flatpak is a framework for desktop applications on Linux"
    + "Install an appstream file into a system location"
    + "Installing an appstream file into a system location"
    + "Limba Support"
    + "Limba provides developers a way to easily create software bundles"
    + "ODRS is a service providing user reviews of applications"
    + "Open Desktop Ratings Support"
    + "Provides support for firmware upgrades"
    + "Run popular web applications in a browser"
    + "Snappy Support"
    + "Steam Support"
    + "The GNOME Project"
    + "The ultimate entertainment platform from Valve"
    + "Web Apps Support"

Note that this doesn't directly indicate a string freeze break, but it
might be worth investigating.
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