On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 8:46 PM Michael Catanzaro <mcatanz...@gnome.org>

> Hi,


Having string freeze begin one week before 41.rc is not problematic per
> se, but it is strange and makes the schedule more complicated.

I don’t really see a problem with the existing schedule.

> So I have two (contradictory) proposals:
>  * Start string freeze with 41.rc. Disadvantage: this would reduce
> string freeze from three weeks down to two.

Nope. Three weeks can already be quite short, especially considering the
tension you added by inserting a “soft translation deadline” *before* the
newstable release.

>  * Start string freeze with 41.beta and remove the string change
> announcement period, increasing string freeze from three weeks to five
> weeks. Disadvantage: it makes changing strings harder for developers,
> and will increase the number of freeze break exception requests.

Right, and if exceptions become common occurrences, we all know how it will
turn out: maintainers will miss the point and won’t just bother about the
freeze anymore.

> Either way would simplify the schedule, which is my goal. Any opinions
> on this?

My opinion is that I don’t see the point of simplifying the schedule and
I’m worried this will actually just increase the burden of translators.

Alexandre Franke
GNOME Hacker
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