понеділок, 10 травня 2021 р. 03:16:59 EEST scootergrisen via gnome-i18n 
> Den 09-05-2021 kl. 23:21 skrev Daniel Șerbănescu:
> > În data de Du, 09-05-2021 la 22:37 +0200, Matej Urban via gnome-i18n a
> > 
> > scris:
> >> Hello, I need a bit of help.
> >> I frequently see strange translations, but then can not find, which
> >> packet those belong to. Is there a simple way to find them?
> > 
> > Hello Matej,
> > Here are the steps I usually do:
> > 1. On your language team page in Damned Lies open a release page (Like
> > Gnome 40). There is a link to download all the .po files, it is located
> > at the bottom of translation statistics. So click that link to download
> > E.g. For the Romanian team the link would be at the bottom os this page:
> > https://l10n.gnome.org/languages/ro/gnome-40/ui/
> > <https://l10n.gnome.org/languages/ro/gnome-40/ui/>
> > 2. Extract the .po files in a folder
> > 3. Open a terminal in that folder
> > 4. Use the following grep command: grep -ri "the string you are looking
> > for" *
> > (replace "the string you are looking for" with the actual search term.)
> > 
> > Be aware that there can be memonics in the original string so you could
> > try searching for a part of that string.
> Do anyone know how to ignore these "_" memonics that might be in strings?
> So i can search for "Test" and i will find all these:
> "Test"
> "_Test"
> "T_est"
> "Te_st"
> "Tes_t"


You can use something like this (search.sh):

for i in `find /usr/share/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES -name '*.mo'`
        sed "s/[&_]//g"<$i|if grep -q $1 "$i"; then echo $i; fi

./search.sh Test

Hope this helps.

Best regards,

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