Since I'm always interested in advancing the app reorganization and
presentations, like on, I would like to propose a new
*GNOME Circle* category (release set) for Damned Lies.

@afranke told me that it would be helpful to have a concept of how a new
category together with a cleanup/overhaul of categories could help with
the giant 50.000 strings main category. So I took a deep dive into the
modules, created some .ods-sheets, and came up with the proposal below.

I tried to align the proposal with the “Foundation Policy on Official
GNOME Software” SoftwarePolicy. Note, that the current category
structure violates this policy by branding a lot of software as “GNOME”
while it is not part of Core or Circle.

I would like to know if this looks like a good direction and how we
could proceed on this.


| Module | Strings | Description | | ------------------------------ | ---------: | -------------------------------------------------------- | | **GNOME 42 – Core** | **25.000** | All Core modules except “core-developer-tools” | | • *Essentials* | *8.000* | Subset with shell, Settings, Files, Web, and viewer apps | | • *Non-Essentials* | *17.000* | The remaining Core components | | **GNOME 42 – Developer Tools** | **7.000** | | | • *Apps* | *2.000* | Builder etc. | | • *Library Properties* | *5.000* | Translated object properties | | GNOME Circle | 2.000 | | | Games | 3.000 | | | Evolution | 6.000 | | | Other Applications | 54.000 | Previously “Extra GNOME Applications” |

(All numbers are estimates and may change for various reasons. This
table is also available in a [GitLab] issue that I created.)

## Give smaller and new translation teams a way to focus

Estimated reduction of the number of strings by about 50%, from 50.000
to 25.000 strings, in the “GNOME 42 – Core” category. Additionally, an “Essentials” sub-category provides a more realistic translation goal.

## More visibility for GNOME Circle apps

Translators that want to translate Circle apps, currently have to look
up what apps are part of Circle. Also, this again provides another
translation goal that is smaller than just the complete “Extra GNOME
Applications” category.

## Potential fallout

Examples for apps that would currently stay in “Other Applications” and
therefore could be treated with less priority:

 - geary
 - gthumb
 - pitivi
 - rhythmbox
 - shotwell

Examples for apps that would move out of “GNOME 42”:

 - evolution → “Evolution”
 - gnome-todo → “Other Applications”
 - gnome-tweaks → “Other Applications”
 - polari → “Circle”
 - gnome-builder → “GNOME 42 – Developer Tools”


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