Hi translators!

We added our scripts to create a Windows installer for the manual of GIMP
(project "gimp-help") directly in the repository. We also now have scripts
to extract the installer strings into po files before merging them back.
Therefore the strings for the installer are now localizable from the
`po-windows-installer/` directory (for now only in the `gimp-help-2-10`
branch, we'll port to `master` branch later):

So first a question: what is the process to add these po files to the
Damned Lies system so that it's translatable by GNOME translation teams?

Second, a small pre-announcement that we are planning to make a release of
the manual (`gimp-help-2-10` branch) soonish. It had been more or less
dormant these years but activity really restarted lately (thanks to Jacob,
new co-maintainer of gimp-help) and we want to make at least one more
release of the 2.10 manual; it might not be a perfect release, but better
than never. By the way, we also have a new testing website where changes on
the `gimp-2-10` branch are reflected: http://testing.docs.gimp.org/ (if not
mistaken, it is a daily re-build at midnight UTC)

Once we will have made this release, we will likely move on to work in
priority on the GIMP 3.0 documentation.

In any case, we will make a proper announcement a few weeks before, with a
string freeze of the docs, but I guess it's a good idea to tell you about
it a bit earlier.
Thanks all!


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