Hello, I can't submit the following files:

1. https://l10n.gnome.org/vertimus/gnome-nibbles/master/po/ka/

 An error occurred during applying your action: The commit failed. The
error was: “[Errno 1] Command: "['git', 'push', 'origin', 'master']",
Error: Warning: Permanently added 'gitlab.gnome.org' (ED25519) to the list
of known hosts. remote: fatal: bad object refs/pipelines/381542 fatal: bad
object refs/pipelines/381542 To gitlab.gnome.org:GNOME/gnome-nibbles.git !
[remote rejected] master -> master (missing necessary objects) error:
failed to push some refs to 'gitlab.gnome.org:GNOME/gnome-nibbles.git' ”

2. https://l10n.gnome.org/vertimus/iagno/master/po/ka/

An error occurred during applying your action: The commit failed. The error
was: “[Errno 1] Command: "['git', 'push', 'origin', 'master']", Error:
Warning: Permanently added 'gitlab.gnome.org' (ED25519) to the list of
known hosts. remote: fatal: bad object refs/pipelines/381544 fatal: bad
object refs/pipelines/381544 To gitlab.gnome.org:GNOME/iagno.git ! [remote
rejected] master -> master (missing necessary objects) error: failed to
push some refs to 'gitlab.gnome.org:GNOME/iagno.git' ”

3. https://l10n.gnome.org/vertimus/atomato/master/po/ka/
There is no submit button.

4. https://l10n.gnome.org/vertimus/dasher/master/po/ka/
There is no submit button.
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