On Sat, 2007-05-26 at 11:28 +0200, Xavier Pegenaute wrote:
> Dear,
> I was trying to use gnome-pilot with OpenSuse 10.2, and it seems that is 
> working but only extract empty data from pilot.
> The output from gpilotd is this one:
> -----------------------------
> ....
> (gnome-pilot:11164): eaddrconduit-WARNING **: Address has only one line: []
> eaddrconduit-Message: Syncable
> eaddrconduit-Message: delete_record: delete ['' '' '']
> (gnome-pilot:11164): eaddrconduit-WARNING **: Address has only one line: []
> eaddrconduit-Message: Syncable
> eaddrconduit-Message: delete_record: delete ['' '' '']
> eaddrconduit-Message: for_each ending
> eaddrconduit-Message: add_record: adding ['' '' ''] to desktop
> eaddrconduit-Message: add_record: adding ['' '' ''] to desktop
> ...
> ---------------------------
> Repeated for every contact that I have in my palm.
> I am thinking that it has to be in relation with the pattern matching of 
> the fields in the record, exactly with the possibility of language name 
> fields.
> Actually my palm is running in English language, and my computer is 
> working in Spanish environment. Any one know how can I obtain more info? 
> or how to fix this problem?

You could try setting the PILOT_CHARSET environment variable (see my
previous post to this list).  This may help by ensuring correct
translation of address text, but I don't hold out much hope (incorrect
charset should give you incorrect characters, not empty strings).

> I have been trying to take look to the source code but I did not found 
> this conduit in the svn (conduits) neither in gnome-pilot svn.

The evolution conduits are part of the Evolution svn tree.

> Thanks & Regards.

You're welcome,


Matt Davey        Many hands make light work - but
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       Too many cooks spoil the broth.
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