On Mon, 2009-03-16 at 09:53 +0000, Matt Davey wrote:
> On Sun, 2009-03-15 at 23:00 -0400, Isaac Emesowum wrote:
> > On Sun, 2009-03-15 at 22:36 +0000, Matt Davey wrote:
> > > 
> > > Isaac,
> > > 
> > > Looks like you're heading, and being pointed, in the right direction.  
> > > You may want to compile Evolution from source.  I found it helpful to
> > > use the Makefile contributed by Patrick Ohly:
> > >    http://mad-scientist.us/Makefile
> > > to get started.  You'll have to edit it to include gnome-pilot
> > > (let me know if you'd like me to send you my edits)
> > > 
> > > If you can, keep your changes limited to the Evolution conduits code
> > > (e.g. adding a new conduit but not requiring any changes to evolution
> > > or evolution-data-server components).  Otherwise it is likely to take
> > > longer to get commit approval...
> > > 
> > > Feel free to post patches to this list and I'll certainly help
> > > review and test.  There are probably a few other lurkers might
> > > help out too.
> > > 
> > > Matt
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > gnome-pilot-list mailing list
> > > gnome-pilot-list@gnome.org
> > > http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gnome-pilot-list
> > 
> > Ahh, I see. From what I can tell, the difference between the two
> > interfaces is simply a few extra fields in the pi-calendar.h version.
> > From looking at the Evolution calendar conduit, it shouldn't be too hard
> > to port the existing code to the new interface and replace the used
> > Struct.
> > 
> > Matt,
> > I've grabbed Evolutions source from the Ubuntu Intrepid repository. I
> > used apt-get source evolution and apt-get build-dep evolution.
> > However, I should probably be using the latest version of Evolution from
> > svn.
> > 
> > Yes, please send me your edits as they will save me some time.
> Isaac,
> Just in case you hadn't spotted, the existing conduit code is required
> to support devices running older versions of PalmOS.  The current
> devices have a compatibility layer that maps old fields to the new
> databases, allowing us to use a single conduit for all devices.  When
> you add support for the new calendar database, you will have to ensure
> the old code continues to work.  The simplest thing to do is to create a
> new conduit that registers for the new database, leaving the old conduit
> as is.  If there is code you can share, or a smart way of using a single
> conduit, great, but I don't think that is trivial.
> I'm attaching my modified Makefile.  I've made very few changes from the
> version written by Paul Smith and Patrick Ohly.  The main work was
> adding support for compiling gnome-pilot.  It works by downloading
> everything it needs from svn.  It's a little while since I used it.  I
> had some trouble after Evo upgraded some of the libraries it depends on,
> as my running system (Ubuntu 8.04) had the older versions.  So, I stuck
> with the Evo 2.24 branch.  You can just blank that variable in the
> Makefile to go with trunk.
> I'm also attaching a version I hacked to use while offline, and just to
> avoid downloading unnecessary updates from svn.
> Matt
> Matt Davey              The Bermuda Triangle: Myth Or Fiction?
> mcda...@mrao.cam.ac.uk        
> _______________________________________________
> gnome-pilot-list mailing list
> gnome-pilot-list@gnome.org
> http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gnome-pilot-list

Thanks very much Matt. Sorry for the late reply. The week days have been
a little heavier than normal. The Makefile seems to fail while trying to
build the gnome-pilot daemon. I also had to install pilot-link with a
prefix of /opt/pl (The Makefile wanted it there). Here's some output
from gnu make:

Making all in gpilotd
make[3]: Entering directory
/usr/bin/gob2 --always-private-header -o  ../libgpilotdCM
-w ../../../gnome-pilot/gpilotd/gnome-pilot-conduit-management.gob
../../../gnome-pilot/gpilotd/gnome-pilot-conduit-management.gob: Error: 

Cannot open outfile: ../libgpilotdCM/gnome-pilot-conduit-management.c

make[3]: *** [../libgpilotdCM/gnome-pilot-conduit-management.c] Error 1

I've never worked with GTK+ Object Builder so I'm not sure what the
problem is(I think that's what this is related to). I don't think it was
a permission error as I ran the Makefile with sudo. I didn't find
anything with google yet. The latest release of gnome-pilot builds fine.
I guess I could use that version. What I have instructed the Makefile to
do is use the svn trunk.

Could you help me get this up and running please? :)


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