Hello all!  I'm a newb so please bear with me....

I setup Evolution to sync with gmail (imap, calendar, and address book).
I have a palm Treo 700p I'm trying to sync.  The sync works fine when I
tell it to sync to the local folders.  But, when I tell it to sync to
the gmail folders (address book and/or calendar) it doesn't work.  It
doesn't give any indication (that I can see) that it doesn't work, it
just doesn't.  I figured out that it was failing by trail and error.

I'm running Ubuntu 9.1, and Evolution 2.28.1.  I'm running Gnome-Pilot
2.17.  My package manager was set to use the 2.15 conduits, but I
uninstalled them and installed the 2.17 conduits manually.  It still
doesn't work.

Any advice or suggestions?  Is there information I can give to clarify /

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