On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 7:36 AM, Jeffery Olson <olson.jeff...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Also: have you even given javascript a chance? Please don't let it's
> history in the browser bias you against it; it's a marvelous language
> with a lot of really interesting features that makes nice, expressive
> code possible. I think the gnome-shell team made a *great* choice when
> they chose javascript for the scripting environment and scriptmonkey
> is a good engine with a great performance for our needs (with a clean,
> C-based API.. putting aside the hype around v8, for now). The work the
> team has done around the introspection-based bindings is excellent.

I got a pretty decent book called "JavasScript: the Good Parts" which I
recommend.  It pretty much tells you what sucks and what doesn't and how to
write proper javascript and avoiding parts of the language that will get you
in trouble.

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